We are continually working to add resources for subjects taught at Skyline College, so please check back frequently!
The best quick Introduction to Google Earth Engine is the GEE 101 Series of workshops, created by the Google Earth Engine Developer Team:
API Tutorials: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/tutorials
Machine Learning in GEE: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/machine-learning
GEE Developer's Guide: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine
The labor of love of Ujaval Gandhi [@spatialthoughts], a Googler in India. Comprehensive and newly updated for QGIS 3.x, these are the best task-based tutorials for QGIS, out there. Available in more than a dozen translations.
a free introduction to geo
English / Italiano / Español / Svenska / Français / 日本語 / Português / Deutsch / Dutch / Ukrainian / 한국어
by de Smith, Goodchild, Longley
The official reference for this material is: Goodchild, M.F., and K.K. Kemp, eds. 1990. NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIS.
National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara CA.
The NCGIA Core Curriculum literature provides fundamental course content assistance for educators as lecture materials. The compilation is not meant to be a comprehensive textbook, but rather several lecture note outlines.
Content included in the OER by Subject Research Guide by Skyline Library is licensed CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise indicated.