Susan Blum, Author of The Ungrading Book @SusanDebraBlum
Fabiola Torres, from Glendale Community College (@IlearnNow)
Jesse Stommel - @Jessifer, author of An Urgency of Teachers, A work of Critical Digital Pedagogy
David Buck - leads monthly #Ungrading chat, @dbuckedu
Dr. Bri Brown - dissertation on contract grading, @ONE presenter on #ContractGrading
Michelle Pakansky-Brock - @ONE , #HumanizeOL
Dave Dillon, @blueprint_text
▶ A comprehensive Ungrading Reading List (I believe this is from @meganvonbergen)
▶ Wad-Ja-Get? The Grading Game in American Education—Howard Kirschenbaum, Rodney Napier, and Sidney B. Simon; With a new introduction by Professor Barry Fishman
▶ Punished by Rewards—Alfie Kohn (plus “The Case against Grades”)
▶ Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways to Go Gradeless in a Traditional Grades School—Starr Sackstein
▶ Grading for Equity—Joe Feldman
▶ UNgrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What To Do Instead)—Susan D. Blum, Editor
▶ The #UngradingSlowChat (June-December 2020)
▶ The #Ungrading Virtual Book Club (December 2020-June 2021)
▶ The #Ungrading Edcamp (November 4-6, 2021)
▶ The Let’s Talk! #Ungrading Twitter Spaces convos (December 2021-current)
▶ Crowdsourcing Ungrading (open, CC-licensed text, with contributions from #ungrading folks)
▶ Ungrading: A Road to Equity (my default presentation)
▶ Questions about ENGL-121 (my *liquid* syllabus in which I introduce my ungrading assessment to students)
▶ Labor Support Group [Template] (student groups of 5-6 members)
▶ Coming soon (I hope!). . . an open, CC-licensed children’s book—
Gone Goes the Grade Bunch: An ungrading book for kids who see learning for what it is!
▶ From Jesse Stommel
Here are slides from the dissertation by Dr. Bri Brown on Contract Grading. The presentation was made by @ONE on 3/4/22 and shared with permission.
Want some resources to help you explore equitable grading or even #ungrading? Here are some you can try from, Dr. Asao Binoue, and others.