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MLA Citation Style 9th Edition: Map, Chart or Illustrated Work

Map & Chart : Cite them as a short work within a larger work

Cite a map in an atlas or a book the same way as a chapter in a book. If the title doesn't identify the source as a map, add the identification at the end of the entry as an optional element (MLA 50-53).

Giráldez, Arturo. "The Philippine Archipelago." The Age of Trade : the Manila Galleons and the Dawn of the Global Economy, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, p. 8. Map.

Cite an online map the same way as citing a web page:

"Philippines.", 12 July, 2016, Accessed 17 Nov. 2016.


Illustrated Work

If your focus is on the illustrator, cite his/her name first, enter the author's or editor's name as a contributor.

Illustrator's Last name, First name Middle initial (if any). Title. By author's first and last name, Publisher, year of publication. 

Seuss, Dr., illustrator. Herrings Go About the Sea in Shawls : ... and Other Classic Howlers from Classrooms and Examination Papers. By Alexander Abingdon, Viking, 1997.

Sibley, David, illustrator. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life & Behavior. Edited by Chris Elphick, et al.,  Alfred A. Knopf, 2001.

Citing an Image