This guide is intended to be used as a launch point for discovering & investigating Open Educational Resources (OER).
Also included here are tips, tricks, best practices, and informational videos and links to tried-and-true resources that support your journey from investigation to implementation of OER materials in your course.
If you are not finding what you are looking for reach out directly to the ZTC Team at We are always happy to assist.
To view classes and adopted materials that are offered as no-cost Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) and lower-cost Open Educational Resources (OER) classes at Skyline College, click on OER & ZTC Classes – Fall 2021.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are legally free, shareable, customizable ready-to-use content for your classes. Creators and users are free to retain rights, reuse content, remix content, revise content, or redistribute content.
OER materials are released under an open license granting permission for every one to:
OER include digital learning materials such as:
There are many resources for OER Textbooks and the list is always growing. Check the tabs on the left navigation bar to locate subject specific OER. For information on how to cite or attribute OER, please visit our Citing OER tab.
Content included in the OER by Subject Research Guide by Skyline Library is licensed CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise indicated.