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Anti-Asian/Asian American Racism: A Resource Guide: Media


Podcasts, Film and Television 

On these tabs we include lists of free podcasts as well as films and television programs recommended by library staff and other faculty. Links are provided to resources available through the Skyline Library.  Members of the Skyline community can use their Canvas login for access.

We also invite you to suggest additional resources using the Recommend Resources box.

Asian Americans in Media Reading List

A Reading List from Ming-Yuen S. Ma, Media Studies Professor, Pitzer College


Peter X. Feng, ed., Screening Asian Americans, Rutgers University Press, 2002.Screening Asian Americans by Peter Feng
Darrell Hamamoto & Sandra Liu, eds., Countervisions: Asian American Film Criticism, Temple University Press, 2000.
Russell Leong, ed., Moving The Image: Independent Asian Pacific American Media Arts, UCLA Asian American Studies Center and Visual Communications, Los Angeles, 1991.

Robert G. Lee, Orientals: Asian Americans in Popular Culture, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1999.
Gina Marchetti, Romance and the "Yellow Peril," University of California Press, 1993.
Glen M. Mimura, Ghostlife of Third Cinema: Asian American Film and Video,Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Celine Parreñas Shimizu, The Hypersexuality of Race: Performing Asian/American Women on Screen and Scene, Duke Univ. Press, 2007.

Additional References

Karin Aguilar-San Juan, The State of Asian America, Activism and Resistance in the 1990s, South End Press, 1994.
Bad Object-Choices, eds, How Do I Look: Queer Film and Video, Bay Press, 1991.
Anthony B. Chan, Perpetually Cool: The Many Lives of Anna May Wong (1905-1961), The Scarecrow Press, 2003.
Jachinson Chan, Chinese American Masculinities: From Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee, Routledge, 2001.
Hye Seung Chung, Hollywood Asian: Philip Ahn and the Politics of Cross-Ethnic Performance, Temple Univ. Press, 2006.
Shilpa Dave, Leilani Nishime, Tasha G. Oren, Robert G. Lee, eds., East Main Street: Asian American Popular Culture, NYU Press, 2005.
David L. Eng and Alice Y. Hom, eds., Q&A: Queer in Asian America, Temple Univ. Press, 1998.
Peter X. Feng, Identities in Motion, Duke Univ. Press, 2002.
Russell Ferguson, Martha Gever, Trinh T. Minh-Ha, Cornel West, eds., Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Culture, MIT Press/New Museum, 1990.
Roger Garcia, ed., Out of The Shadows: Asians in American Cinema, Olivares/Locarno Film Festival, 2001.
Martha Gever, John Greyson, Pratibha Parmar, eds., Queer Looks: Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video, Routledge, 1993.
Laura Hyun Yi Kang, Compositional Subjects: Enfiguring Asian/American Women, Duke Univ. Press, 2002.
Alex Juhasz and Jesse Lerner, eds., F is For Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth's Undoing, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2006.
Helen Lee and Kerri Sakamoto, eds., Like Mangoes in July: The Work of Richard Fung, Images Festival, 2002.
Jennifer Lee, ed., Asian American Youth: Culture, Identity and Ethnicity, Routledge, 2004
Russell Leong, ed., Asian American Sexualities, Routledge, 1995. Also available as an issue of the Amerasia Journal: Dimensions of Desire, Vol. 20, NO. 1, 1994.
Amy Ling, ed. Yellow Light: The Flowering of Asian American ArtsTemple Univ. Press, 2000.
Lori Kido Lopez and Vincent Pham, ed., The Routledge Companion to Asian American Media, Routledge, 2017.
Steve Louie and Glenn Omatsu, eds., Asian Americans: The Movement and the Moment, UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press, 2001.
Lisa Lowe, Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics, Duke Univ. Press, 1996.
Laura U. Marks, The Skin of the Film, Duke Univ. Press, 2000.
---, Touch: Sensuous Theory and Multisensory Media, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2002..
Diasuke Miyao, Sessue Hayakawa: Silent Cinema and Transnational Stardom, Duke Univ. Press, 2007.
Jose Munoz, Disidentifications, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Nguyen Tan Hoang, A View from the Bottom: Asian American Masculinity and Sexual Representation. Duke Univ. Press, 2014
Jun Okada, Making Asian American Film and Video: History, Institutions, Movements. Rutgers Univ. Press, 2015.
Kent Ono & Vincent Pham, Asian Americans and The Media, Polity Press, 2008.
Celine Parreñas Shimizu, Straitjacket Sexualities: Unbinding Asian American Manhoods in the Movies, Standford Univ. Press, 2012
David Roh, Betsey Huang, Greta A. Niu,eds. Techno-Orientalism: Imagining Asia in Speculative Fiction, History, and Media, Rutgers Univ. Press, 2015.
Ella Shohat & Robert Stam, Unthinking Eurocentrism, Routledge, 1994.
Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation, Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1966.
Trinh T. Minh-Ha, Framer Framed, Routledge, 1992.
---, Woman, Native, Other , Indiana Univ. Press, 1989
Jun Xing, Asian America Through The Lens, AltaMira Press, 1998.
Jean Yu-Wen Shen Wu, Min Song, eds. Asian American Studies: A Reader, Rutgers Univ. Press, 2000.


Center for Asian American Media

Center for Asian American Media logo

The Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to presenting stories that convey the richness and diversity of Asian American experiences to the broadest audience possible.

Collage of Chinatown Banquet

We believe in the power of storytelling to combat hate.

t the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), we are deeply saddened by the ongoing and escalating acts of violence against Asian Americans.

In the past year, attacks on Asian Americans have increased tremendously, with over 3800 reported incidents. Like the recent shootings in Atlanta, which killed eight people—including six Asian American women—most of these acts have been targeted at women. But the roots of anti-Asian sentiment go back much further than the pandemic and the latest xenophobic rhetoric. Asian Americans have been an integral part of the fabric of the United States since its beginning and unfortunately discrimination against and damaging stereotypes about Asian Americans go back almost as far.

Telling the stories of our rich and diverse community has been at the heart of CAAM’s mission since we were founded 41 years ago. We believe that by uplifting Asian American narratives, we proudly declare that we are not invisible, and that our grief and our joy are fundamental to our national experience. Here at CAAM, all of our work engages with these issues in a vital way, whether by presenting CAAMFest as a place for community or by broadcasting our films on public television to the widest possible audience.

We encourage you to visit our partners at Stop AAPI Hate to report an incident or at Asian Americans Advancing Justice to share your story and to sign up for Bystander Intervention Training.

Our five-part Asian Americans PBS documentary series is a good starting primer to learn about our history—from the earliest arrivals and subsequent exclusionary laws, to the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, and the intersectional activism and formation of the Asian American identity. All of the episodes are currently available for streaming on the PBS website.

These are tough times, but we can find respite, resolve, and strength in our shared community. We believe that being actively engaged is a necessary and vital part of citizenship. We remain hopeful that by lifting up diverse Asian American narratives, we will help foster a society with more empathy, compassion, and equality.

In solidarity,

Stephen Gong
CAAM Executive Director

March 19, 2021

Recommend Resources

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