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ECE 210: Research Process: Select a Topic

Background Research

Encyclopedias and "Research Starters" (OneSearch) are a great place to start for background research.

Tip: Making sure you understand your topic well before you begin to search for indepth sources saves you time in the long run! One way to do this is to search for a broader topic in the databases below, and then narrow your topic.

If you don't already know exactly what you'd like to research, start broad:

Broad topic examples:

Montessori Method

Bilingual Education

Intercultural Communication

Culturally Relevant Education/Multicultural education 


Search here first:

  • Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL): A large database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. As you're reading, you can start to write down some key words for your next phase of research.


  • OneSearch - "Research Starter": One stop shopping for any academic topic. As you're reading, you can start to write down some key words for your next phase of research.


Super Quick Activity (10 minutes)

With a partner, pick a broad topic and do a key word search in either OneSearch or Gale Virtual Research Library. Remember: NO SENTENCES OR LONG PHRASES in the search boxes.


Once you've found an article, find the citation (MLA or APA).

Open a blank Micorsoft Word or Google Doc page. Label it References OR Works Cited.

Cut and paste the citation into your new document.

Email the article(s) to yourselves.