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Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research: Research Opportunities at Skyline

A resource for student researchers and their faculty mentors.

Research Opportunities at Skyline

At Skyline College, there are several opportunities for students to engage in faculty-mentored research and creative work as well as showcase their scholarly and creative projects at conferences. Many students use this experience as a stepping stone to continue their research and present at national and international professional conferences.


Biology Program 

Biology provides opportunities to solve real-life problems. The Biology program at Skyline offers a range of opportunities for students to undertake field and laboratory research in environmental, cellular, and organismal biology. 

For more information, please visit the Biology page or contact Prof. Yancy Aquino at



(Biology CC BY-SA 3.0 Wikimedia)


Geography Program

The interdisciplinary nature of the field of Geography offers a wide range of opportunities for research! Our program at Skyline currently includes research in Environmental Justice, Current Events, and Cultural Phenomenon. You also have the option to incorporate Geographic Information Systems into your research project.

For more information, please contact Prof. Rachel Cunningham




Honors Transfer Program 

Honors Club | Honors Transfer Program | Skyline CollegeThe Honors Transfer Program is an undergraduate research program designed to nurture all Skyline College students in all academic disciplines as they grow and challenge themselves in academic commitment and pursuit of rigorous, creative, community-based, and culturally relevant scholarship. A goal of the program is to produce thoughtful, respectful, and honorable scholars. 

A community of peers, staff, and faculty will serve as wrap-around support for students in the program, as students can fulfill original, semester-long research projects as they develop deeper relationships with faculty mentors. Students receive priority registration, have the opportunity to become a student leader or member of the Honors Club, and are eligible for transfer and scholarship opportunities to esteemed, four-year universities. For more information, please visit the Honor's Transfer Program website or contact HTP Faculty Coordinator and English Prof. Janice Sapigao at You can view examples of student research @SkylineHTP.


Phi Theta Kappa

The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among community college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Our chapter, Beta Theta Omicron (ΒΘΟ), has earned five-star status. For more information visit the Beta Theta Omicron (BΘO) or contact Prof. Susanne Schubert at



Psi Beta Psychology Honor Society


Psi Beta offers many opportunities to engage in research, including participating in the Psi Beta Annual National Research Project. Additional opportunities related to the research include submitting student research to the Psi Beta Journal of Student Research, a journal designed to showcase empirical research completed by Psi Beta students, and applying for the Macmillan Learning Emerging Researcher Award. 

For more information, please visit the Psi Beta Psychology Honor Society website or contact Chapter Advisor Prof. Jennifer Merrill at




nEXO is an international nuclear physics experiment for detecting a special kind of radioactivity that has been theorized but never detected. Skyline College Physics has received a grant from the US Dept of Energy to fund paid student traineeships for SMCCD students to participate in the R&D for the nEXO detector. For more information, visit the nEXO page or email Prof. Kolo Wamba at and Prof. Emilie Hein


uSOAR - Undergraduate Symposium of Academic Research

 uSOAR provides a multidisciplinary forum to facilitate the exchanges of knowledge that drive intellectual engagement in every field of study and promotes transformative learning through research. These events are free and open to the public. 

Along with spotlighting the research process and student research, uSOAR acts as a springboard for future student research projects. The symposium is designed to educate, nurture, and inspire Skyline College students to grow and challenge themselves in academic commitment and pursuit of rigorous, creative, community-based, and culturally relevant scholarship in Social Science and Humanities. For more information, please visit the uSOAR website or email usoar@smccd.eduYou can view examples of student research on uSOAR Past Presenters.
