This guide provides useful information and resources for student researchers and their faculty mentors at Skyline College.
Included in this guide are:
Research Logo Wikimedia licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
There are several faculty at Skyline College who mentor students. If you are interested in pursuing research or sharing your research, please feel free to reach out to one of the contacts listed below.
Rachel Cunningham - Associate Professor, Geography
Andy Murillo - Program Services Coordinator, Social Science and Creative Arts
Jennifer Merrill - Faculty Advisor, Psi Beta Psychology Honor Society
Dr. Bianca Rowden-Quince - Interim Dean, Social Science and Creative Arts
Janice Sapigao - Associate Professor, English & Faculty Coordinator, Skyline College Honors Transfer Program (HTP)
Dr. Susanne Schubert - Associate Professor, Chemistry
Dr. Pia Walawalkar - Professor, Outreach and Equity Librarian
For questions about the conference, including timing or logistics, please contact our uSOAR Coordination Team.
California History |
Science, Medical, BIOL & CHEM |