Library article databases on this page are recommended starting places for researching 20th and 21st century poets and poetry.
Search tip:
Type the poet's last name, the name of the poem, and your topic words in the search box, separated by the word "and."
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Student Resources in Context Magazine, journal, newspaper and reference articles on all subjects, including literary works, literary topics, genres and movements and authors.
To browse Literature topics, click on "View All" to the right of "Literature and the Arts" on the Topics list.
For a specific author, type his/her name in the empty search box. In your search results, Academic Journal articles will appear first. Scroll down to the Reference and Biographies categories to find more basic information about your author.
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Literature Resource Center High quality full-text criticism articles and biographical information on authors.
For more precise searches, click on the Advanced Search button beside the search box and try a "keyword" search.
In your search results, you'll see "Literature Criticism" first. On the right side of the screen, you'll also find "Other Content Types" like "Biographies," Topic and Work Overviews," "Reviews and News," and "Primary Sources" headings linking to those types of articles as well.
If you're accessing this off-campus, use your Canvas login and password.