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Native Americans : CA Native Peoples and Junipero Serra

Junipero Serra: Savior or Villain? Critiques and criticisms of the role he and other missionaries played in the abuse and domination of native peoples

This CA Native Americans Research Guide Page serves to offer varied perspectives and voices regarding Junípero Serra and the role he (and other missionaries) played in colonization of native peoples in what is now called California.

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Supporting Skyline Research Guides

Saint or Villain? The Complicated Story of Saint Francis' Next Saint (Audio, 7:17)

Native Americans Debate: Father Serra, Saint or Sinner?

Activists topple statue of Junipero Serra in Downtown Los Angeles (Video, 1:07)

Backlash against America's first Hispanic saint (Video, 2:39)

Firing Line with William F. Buckley: Saint or Sinner: Junipero Serra (Video: 29 min, 25 sec)

Additional Videos

Native Peoples and Junipero Serra

Native Peoples and the Missions

Junipero Serra