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Skyline College Archives: Organization & Description

Record Groups

The collection is organized into ten groups. 

Group 1, San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD), 1969-2018

Group 2, Skyline College Administration, 1969-2013

Group 3, Departments, Divisions & Programs, 1969-2007 (alphabetical)

Group 4, Participatory Governance, 1970-1987

Group 5, Student Life & Work, 1969-ongoing 

Group 6, Special Events, 1970-1972, 1984-1989, 1994-2000, 2006-2016 

Group 7, Course Catalogs & Schedules, 1969-ongoing (chronological)

Group 8, Artifacts & Memorabilia (alphabetical, oversize) 

Group 9, Reference, 1969-1975, 1982-1990 (chronological)

Group 10, Audio-visual Materials

Record Group Descriptions

Group 1, San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD), 1969-2018

Documents include community education program literature, budget reports, early District newsletters such as Campus & Community (1969-1970), promotional brochures, and short research reports on various topics, including "Evaluations and Recommendation for San Mateo Jr. College District" (1969). 

Group 2, Skyline College Administration, 1969-2013

This group includes a variety of newsletters written for faculty and staff as well as a run of press releases (1970-1975) that provide an almost daily picture of college activities. Also included are community education program literature, student and faculty handbooks and guides, college promotional materials, accreditation and enrollment data reports, and stand alone reports from the 1970s and 1980s, such as "The Mature-Woman Student at Skyline College" (1974). 

Group 3, Departments, Divisions & Programs, 1969-2007 (alphabetical)

A sampling of materials created by college department or divisions. The majority date from the 1970s through the 1990s. It includes programs, brochures and guides. Early basketball and wrestling programs (1969-1971), library handbooks, and newsletters by and for staff and faculty are represented. Also included are course descriptions by the English-Foreign Language Division (1973-1977) and a "Handbook for Counselors and Music Students" (1988).

Group 4, Participatory Governance, 1970-1987

Skyline Academic Senate materials including sporadic minutes and newsletters. Of interest is a committee recommendation to establish a Minority Program at Skyline (1970) and documents relating to a major District wide campaign to override a SM County emergency tax (1970-1971).

Group 5, Student Life & Work, 1969-ongoing 

Student newspaper, student literary magazine: various titles and "Talisman" (1970-present).

Group 6, Special Events, 1970-1972, 1984-1989, 1994-2000, 2006-2019 

15th, 20th, 25th and 30th college anniversary materials and college opening day programs (2006-2016).

Group 7, Course Catalogs & Schedules, 1969-ongoing (chronological)

Continuing education catalogs (1974-1977) and a comprehensive run of student course catalogs and schedules, dating from the College's first Fall 1969 semester to the present.

Group 8, Artifacts & Memorabilia (alphabetical) 

A small sampling of college promotional items including pins, pens, postcards etc.

Group 9, Reference, 1969-1975, 1982-1990 (chronological)

Original newspaper clippings from local newspapers relating to aspects of Skyline College, received from a clipping service during 1969-1975. Subsequent folders include later articles (1982-1990), photocopied from the originals and presumably collected by the college public relations staff.

Group 10, Audio-visual Materials

This series remains unprocessed at this time.