What is Intersectionality & How can we use it in our work at SMCCCD?
Dream Center Program Services Coordinators - Jackie Santizo and Paola Mora Paredes, College of San Mateo, and Pam Ortiz Cerda, Skyline College 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | Building 4, Room 4-240
Educators and organizers have increasingly been adopting intersectional frameworks to address inequities faced by college students of marginalized and minortized backgrounds. Intersectional movements like “Say Her Name,” and “Undocu-Queer” are shifting the narrative of issues such as police brutality, immigrant rights, and LGBTQ+ movements. Yet, the question still stands: what is intersectionality? The audience for this workshop is all educators interested in using the intersectional lens in our work at San Mateo County Community College District. The CSM Multicultural and Dream Center and Skyline Dream Center staff have teamed up to facilitate this multipart training. Through interactive activities and discussions, participants will receive foundational knowledge of the framework of intersectionality, dive deeper into intersectional experiences shared by many in our district and community, as well as learn best practices to best support individuals with multiple oppressed identities and experiences.