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Readings for ENGL 105: Visual Rhetorical Analysis: ENGL 105: Finding Articles


Pull out your YELLOW search strategy handout.

Click on OneSearch.

Select "Advanced search."

Divide your search into really basic concepts/ideas (one or two key words each).

Make sure that ONE of your concepts (boxes) represents the name of a movement, category of rights (human rights, civil rights) or issue being protested.

Try improving your search using * , "quotations around phrases" and Boolean operators (AND, OR). (More details are on your YELLOW handout).

For example:

Colin Kaepernick

"Black Lives Matter" OR "civil rights"

For example:

militias OR vigilant*


"immigration reform*"

Limit your search using features on the left side of the screen.

Extend your search to Google and other search products using one of the boxes on the right.

New York Times ( Pass Activation & Log In Instructions

NYT Registration (First-time Users):

  • While on- or off-campus, go to
  • Look up "Skyline College"
  • On the NYT registration page, click "Create Account"
  • Input EDU email address while creating account
  • Click "Create Account"
  • Check inbox for confirmation email

NYT Registration (Existing Users):

  • While on- or off-campus, go to
  • Look up "Skyline College"
  • On the NYT registration page, click "Already have an Account"
  • Input NYT login credentials (using EDU email address)
  • Click "Log in"



  • You have successfully claimed a Pass when you see the Start Your Access screen.



  • Now you can have full access to and NYT mobile apps just by logging into your account:

  • Visit to download your free NYT apps.

News Databases

Newspaper Source Plus
Cover to cover full text from 47 national & international newspapers as well as selective full text articles from 390 regional (U.S.) newspapers, and full text television & radio news transcripts.

Nexis Uni 

Full-text articles from a wide range of newspapers from around the world (including the New York TimesWashington PostLos Angeles Times and the Guardian of London) plus business & legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.

CQ Researcher 

In-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923.


California Digital Newspaper Collection
Full-text (digitized) of over 30 California newspapers from 1846 to the present

Art Image Database

ArtStor  (Log in with your College Canvas credential)
Digital library of art images with descriptive information.

  • Click on the link above to open a new database window
  • Click: "Enter Here"
  • To search for more than one "concept", click on Advanced Search below the Search box.
  • In each search box, type the search word(s) for a separate concept.
    - Type an OR between synonymous words for the same concept, e.g. picture OR image
    - Use an * to search for multiple words from the same root,
    e.g. art* will find images with the words: art, artist or artistic.
    - Use quote marks (“ ”) around search phrases (multiple words that should be searched together),
    e.g. “ancient Egypt”
  • Double-click on an image to view the image.
  • Double-click on an image to view the image.
  • Use the + and - buttons at the lower right to zoom in and out.
  • Click on the i button below the image to display data about the image.