1. Citing a work by one author
a. Format for citing author's name within the text (the narrative style):
Author's last name (publication year) .....(page number).
Smith (2000) found the following in his study..... (p. 88).
b. Format for citing author's name in the parentheses at the end of the citation (parentatical style):
(Author's last name, publication year, page number)
The conclusion of the study showed that ........(Smith, 2000, p.88)
2. Citing a work by two authors
a. Example for citing two authors within the text:
Stewart and Furse (1986) concluded that...
b. Example for citing three or more authors in the parentheses
(Stewart & Furse, 1986)
3. Citing a work by three or more authors or more: use the first author's name followed by et al. in the text or in parentheses.
a. Example for citing three or more authors within the text:
Park et al. (2013) argued that...
b. Example for citing three or more authors in the parentheses
(Park et al., 2013)
4. Citing a work by unknown author
a. Cite the title within the text
b. Use the first word or two in the parentheses
c. When the author's name is Anonymous, cite it as the author's name and do the same in the Reference List.
Note: Please refer to apastyle.apa.org for more information.
First initial. Second initial. Last name (personal communication, date)
J. A. Smith (personal communication, May 29, 2015)
(B. S. Brown, personal communication, February 8, 2016)
Recoverable or archived personal communications should be referenced as archival materials (see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association -- 7.10)