Please watch this welcome video about our information Literacy Tutorial
If you have any questions about this tutorial please contact us.
All current students automatically have a Skyline College Library Account. Your library account can be used to borrow books & materials from all three libraries in the San Mateo Community College System. You don't need a physical card.
Your Library Account provides access to:
Library Databases - Our Library subscribes to many databases, including many subject-specific databases. To log into our databases off-campus you'll need to use your Canvas login OR SMCCD email.
Completion of the Skyline College “Information Literacy Tutorial” satisfies the Skyline College Information Literacy Requirement for graduation from Skyline College. Question about the requirement? See More information about different ways to meet the requirement.
Please complete all the modules in the tutorial fully to satisfy the requirement. Although there is no minimum score required, in order to meet the requirement students must demonstrate they made a serious attempt to understand the concepts presented and complete the required work to the best of their abilities.
All Quizzes and final assignment must be completed. There is no minimum score required. However, your effort and time spent on each component will be reflected on the quizzes and final assignment. Faculty librarians will be reviewing your work as you complete it, and are available by phone, email or chat during normal hours of operation if you have any questions.
To search the library databases as required by the Tutorial, begin at the Library Home Page. From here, you can type your search in OneSearch OR go directly to the list of library databases to select a database by title or subject.
From off-campus, you will be asked to login to these online resources using your Onelogin or Canvas username and password. Again, contact a librarian if you have difficulties.
Academic Integrity Statement:
Please complete this tutorial on your own with the academic honesty & integrity you bring to all your work. Please refer to the Skyline College Academic Integrity section of the College Catalog for examples of what may be considered academic dishonesty. Any student who is caught obtaining or attempting to obtain academic work through the use of dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent acts may be subject to suspension or expulsion.