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Ethnic Studies Resources for Faculty and Students: Data & Statistics

This page directs faculty and students to free data, statistics, and documentary resources on race and ethnicity, in the United States. Please also check out Skyline College Library's California Statistics & IssuesEducation Statistics: Web Databases & Resources, and Statistics guide. Feel free to contact me, Pia Walawalkar, for more assistance at

Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the United States

Source: Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 CensusU.S. Census Bureau

Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census provides interactive maps where you can hover over specific groups and find more detailed information. It allows offers filters to change the year or highlight a particular group or county.

This website is the primary tool for accessing information from the U.S. Census Bureau. Find population data as well as social, economic, and housing characteristics at various geographic levels (national, state, county, etc.)

Below are some useful videos from the U.S. Census Bureau.

U.S. Census Burea, DATA GEMS: How to Navigate YouTube. 18 September 2019

U.S. Census Burea, DATA GEMS: How to Access Race Data on YouTube. 18 October 2019

U.S. Census Bureau. How Can I Access Data About Race and Ethnic Diversity from the 2020 and 2010 Census?. YouTube. 9 September 2021.

Data, Statistics, and Documentary Resources

21st Century Americanism, 2004

This nationally representative random-digit dial telephone survey has 2,800 respondents and includes oversamples of Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in the United States. It contains questions that allow for the examination of the causes and consequences of two facets of American identity: (1) how people define the normative content of American identity ("identity content"); and (2) the extent to which people think of themselves primarily as American rather than primarily as a member of a pan-ethnic (i.e., Latino or Asian) or national origin group ("identity attachment"). Data in multiple formats.


American Identity and Representation Survey, 2012

Investigation of how ethnic identity and perceptions of discrimination affect attitudes about political representation in the United States. About 1700 respondents, including oversamples of Black, Latino, and Asian respondents. A Spanish version of the survey was available. Demographic information includes age, race/ethnicity, gender, education, employment status, marital status, religion, household size and income, ancestry, citizenship status, primary home language, and nationality.


Bureau of Justice Statistics

Collects and analyzes information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.


Diversity Data Kids

This online tool allows users to compare and analyze data surrounding child demographic and well-being indicators. All data is presented by race/ethnicity and, where applicable, socioeconomic status and immigrant status.


Gender Development Index (GDI)

Compiled by the United Nations Development Programme, the GDI measures the gender gap in human development using scales in health, education, and economic resources.


Gender Inequality Index (GII)

Compiled by the United National Development Programme, the GII measures gender equality in over 150 countries in terms of reproductive health, empowerment, and economic status.


Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

Coordinated by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), IPEDS gathers information about higher education institutions in the United States. Data available includes enrollment numbers, program completions, graduation rates, race/ethnicity of students, amount of student financial aid, and tuition rates.


National Center for Education Statistics

Primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.


Pew Research Center, 1997+

The Pew Research Center is a "nonpartisan fact tank" that conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis, and other empirical social science research around several broad themes: U.S. politics and policy, use and influence of the media, the role of the internet and technology, Hispanics in the U.S., the role of religion in public life in the U.S. and beyond, social & demographic trends in the U.S., and global attitudes. All data and reports can be browsed by topic, searched by the question, and are freely downloadable. 1997-present. Many recent surveys are based on their American Trends Panel, a nationally representative, random panel sample that allows for longitudinal analysis.


Resource Center for Minority Data

ICPSR data archive providing datasets for the comparative analysis of issues affecting racial and ethnic minority populations in the United States.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the area of labor economics and statistics.


U.S. Department of Homeland Security | Immigration Statistics

Reports and data from Homeland Security on immigrants, refugees, and asylees in the United States.



Directory of statistics, indicators, reports, databases, and archives relating to gender equality and women's human rights. Compiled by the United Nations.


World Bank Data on Gender

Statistics on gender at the country level. Compiled from national statistics agencies, United Nations databases, and World Bank conducted surveys.