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StudentCam Research Project: Editing Your Video

LibGuide Created for Middle College Government class at Skyline College

Video Editors


Advanced video editing features made easy through a simple interface. You don’t need to be a pro to create great movies.


WeVideo - online editor - sign in with google!

WeVideo Academy - training videos

Steps to Edit Your Video

Steps to Edit Your Video (mostly in order)

  1. Upload all gathered media (videos, photos, audio files) to your project media.
  2. Switch to Timeline mode. 
  3. Choose NO theme.
  4. Drag all video clips to the timeline in order.
  5. Split and trim interview and C-SPAN clips.
  6. Add photos for voiceover sections.
  7. Record voiceover sections.
  8. Add text and images on top of video. Add copyright attributions if necessary.
  9. Add transitions and effects. Keep it simple!
  10. Add music or sound effects.
  11. Adjust volume.
  12. Adjust timing.
  13. Include works cited and credits at the end.

Tips for Editing

Get all the content in place before making it pretty.
Keep a consistent theme and style.

Transition and effects meanings: 
Many effects are used like punctuation marks in sentences to divide video programs into orderly, understandable parts.

  • CUT - An instant change from one shot to the next (no transition effect). This most common transition keeps action feel.
  • CROSS FADE - A gradual fade from one shot to the next. Indicates time passing, change of location, or relaxed feel. 
  • DIP TO BLACK - Fades completely to black before fading into new image. Indicates larger change.
  • WIPE - One shot replaced by another in a geometric pattern. Good for breaks in edited interviews so it doesn't look choppy.
  • FADE FROM/TO BLACK - Indicates beginning or ending of scene or major change.