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Skyline College Archives: Skyline College Newspapers

The Skyline Press

The Skyline Press was Skyline's student newspaper from 1969 until 1985. 

Sam Goldman (far right, second row) and his 1980 Skyline College journalism staff.

The newspapers have been preserved and bound into several volumes, and are available to read or scan in the Library Reading Room. 

The Skyline View


The Skyline View is Skyline College's student newspaper, founded in 1997. The current edition is online. Back issues are accessible from April 2009 to the present

Print copies of The Skyline View, 1997-2014, are also available for research in the Library Reading Room. Anyone can make an appointment with a librarian to use this collection. 

Skyline College is only college in SMCCD currently publishing a student newspaper. 

The Skyline College Newspaper Digitization Project

The President's Innovation Fund (PIF) is funding the digitization of both student newspapers during the 2023-2024 academic year. Skyline College is coordinating with the University of Riverside's California Digital Newspaper Collection and Backstage Library Works.

Questions? Please contact Jessica Silver-Sharp or Nancy Kaplan-Biegel