Searching for information on the web efficiently requires developing a search strategy. Is the information sought very specific? If so, a search engine is the best search tool to use with keywords to describe the exact information need. Unsure or looking for more general information on a topic? Start with a subject directory and search broad topics. Many specialized databases and search tools are also available on the web.
Remember that anyone can publish anything on the Web, so you are responsible for evaluating the quality of the Web pages you use for your papers and assignments. Here are some questions to use to evaluate Web pages.
1. URL Look at the Uniform Resource Locato(r web address)
2. AUTHORITY Is it clear who is responsible for the contents of the page?
BOTTOM LINE: Would you be comfortable citing this page for a research paper?
Using strategies and tips from the guide: “Evaluating Information from Web Pages”,
decide whether the following pages would be good quality sources to use for a college research paper.
Source Examples: