Sites relating to California Ethnic Groups History
California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives: A permanent program offering collections of primary research materials that document the cultural and political experiences of the African American, Asian American, Chicano/Latino, and Native American ethnic groups in California. The broad-based collection of materials represents the cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity that characterizes the state's population.
California Historical Society: Use sources from the website or visit the Research Library in person.
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Demographics Report Series: This Stanford University research center produces reports documenting the current socioeconomic, educational, and demographic status of ethnic and racial minority populations in California. Census 2000 data were used to examine racial/ethnic diversity, residential segregation, household and family composition, language use, educational attainment, income, and poverty.
Filipino Americans: by Marina Claudio-Perez, includes Generations, Immigration & Length of US Residency with timelines of Filipino Immigration to the
Filipino Migration to the United States: Part of The Philippine History Site from the Filipino-American Historical Society of
Five Views: an Ethnic Historic Site Survey of California: A free e-Book from the California Department of Parks and Recreation detailing the following groups: American Indians, Black Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans and Mexican Americans.
Hirasaki National Resource Center: From the library at the Japanese American National Museum, many important resources about the Japanese American experience in the 20th century. Especially useful fact sheets, historical timelines, bibliographies, and more.
How Race Was Lived in America: A Decade-by-Decade Selection of Articles from the N.Y. Times: Articles from the late 1800's to 2000.
Korean American Digital Archive: Over 13,000 pages of documents, over 1,900 photographs, and over 150 sound files that document the Korean American community between 1903 and 1965.
The Multicultural American West: "This site is intended as a space for the interactive exchange of ideas, information, and educational tools related to American West in multicultural and intercultural perspective. We hope to serve high school and college students, teachers, professors and independent scholars with an interest in the multicultural West. By "multicultural" we mean to stress culture as defined by race, ethnicity, language, and nationhood, but also to include gender, sexuality, class, religion, and other factors as distinct cultural forces." from the American Studies Program, Washington State University.
San Francisco History Center (San Francisco Public Library): Use resources from this website or visit in person to conduct your research. You do not need a San Francisco Public Library library card to use the collections onsite.
US Census Bureau QuickFacts: Quick and easy links to the latest data on racial and ethnic populations in the
U.S. Census Bureau Facts for Features: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month: Facts and statistics about this observance planned "to coincide with two important anniversaries: the arrival in the
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