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Art / Art History

Skyline College Library Databases

ArtStor  (a PLS library card bar code number is required to access from off campus)
Digital library of art images with descriptive information.

  • Click on the link above to open a new database window
  • Click: "Enter Here"
  • To search for more than one "concept", click on Advanced Search below the Search box.
  • In each search box, type the search word(s) for a separate concept.
    - Type an OR between synonymous words for the same concept, , e.g. picture OR image
    - Use an * to search for multiple words from the same root, e.g. art* will find articles with the words: art, artist or artistic.
    - Use quote marks (“ ”) around search phrases (multiple words that should be searched together), e.g. “ancient Egypt”
  • Double-click on an image to view the image.
  • Use the + and - buttons at the lower right to zoom in and out.
  • Click on the i button below the image to display data about the image.


OneSearch (To log into our databases off-campus you'll need to use your email or Canvas login.)

Search most of Skyline Library's article databases and book catalog to find a wide range of articles from academic journals, popular magazines, newspapers and reference sources, e-books & other documents, plus print books available in the library.

Click on the link above to open a new database window

To search for more than one "concept", click on Advanced Search below the Search box.

In each search box, type the search word(s) for a separate concept.
Type an OR between synonymous words for the same concept, such as picture OR image.
Use an * to search for multiple words from the same root, e.g. cultur* will find articles with the words: culture or cultural or cultures.
Use quote marks (“ ”) around search phrases (multiple words that should be searched together), e.g. “Old Kingdom”

For example:


"Old Kingdom* OR "Fouth Dynasty" OR "Dynasty 4"

cultur* OR civilization 

Click the “Search” button to begin a search

  • When the results page is displayed, click on an article title to see detailed information and a summary of the article.
  • To see the full-text of an article, click on PDF Full Text or HTML Full Text at the left of the detailed information page
  • To print or e-mail an article, click on the print or e-mail buttons at the right of the article. A source citation will also be sent when you email a document. You can select the citation format (MLA, APA, Chicago) from the menu in the email box. 


Biography In Context (library card number required from off-campus)
Biographies and related full-text articles from hundreds of magazines and newspapers, as well as tens of thousands of images and links to websites. Search for people-- both current and historic from all eras and fields-- based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as keyword and full text.


World History in Context (library card number required from off-campus)
Reference articles, primary documents, magazine, journal and newspaper articles, maps and images covering all aspects of U.S. and 20th-century world history. Best for general/background history information, especially articles under the “Reference” category. To search both databases at once, select "" under the search box in either database.

  • Enter search word(s) and click the Search button
  • At results page, articles are organized by type -- "Reference" (articles from reference books), "Academic journals", "Primary Sources", "Images", “News” & more.
  • Click on the title of an article to display the full text of the article..
  • Click on the title of an article to display the full text of the article.
  • You can email or print any article by using the appropriate buttons at the top right of each article (Under “Tools”.


JSTOR - Scholarly journals archives (library card number required from off-campus)
Back issues of important academic journals, including many historical journals (no current issues) going back to 1838.
Excellent for in-depth academic journal articles on all historical topics except: recent history and articles published within the last 3 – 5 years

  • For a basic/general search, enter search words & click Search
  • To search for a specific topic, click on Advanced Search, and then enter search words for multiple concepts in the separate search boxes
  • To search for exact phrases, put quote marks around the phrase, e.g. “Thomas Jefferson” or “freedom of the press”
  • To limit your search to regular journal articles (as opposed to book reviews or editorials), click in the “Article” check box under “Limit by
  • If too many articles are found, click on "Modify Search", add additional search words & search again
  • To email, print or save an article:
    • Click on “PDF” (at the upper right of the page)
    • A new window with “JSTOR's Terms and Conditions” will be displayed; click on OK
      [If your browser blocks pop-ups, you need to hold down the CTRL key while clicking on “OK”]
    • When the pdf image file is displayed, click on the “Email”, “Print” or “Save a Copy” icons (on the pdf task bar at the top of the page)*
    • To email the full article, click on “Send Copy”, then enter e-mail address in "To:" entry box and click "Send"*
      pdf functions vary according to the specific software setup for different computers
  • For more help in how to search the JSTOR database, see the JSTOR Search Help page


Gale PowerSearch databases (library card number required from off-campus)
Articles from academic journals, popular magazines, newspapers and books; excellent set of general periodical databases.
Best for articles on recent historical topics (within the last 10 - 20 years)

o To search for a specific topic, click on the Advanced search mode to search for multiple concepts.

o To limit searches to academic journal articles, click in the check box: “to peer-reviewed publicationsunder “Limit results:”

o PLEASE NOTE: When search results are first displayed, only magazine articles are shown, if available for your search.
Click on the “Academic Journals” tab to display journal articles, click on "News" to display news articles; click on "Books" to display book articles.


Gale Virtual Reference Library Sources (subject encyclopedias) (library card number required from off-campus)
- Arts and Humanities Through the Eras
- Early Civilizations in the Americas

- Encyclopedia of Multicultural America




Additional Resources

Google Scholar
Google’s academic search engine
accesses a wide range of academic articles, books and court opinions. Use the search box below to search Google Scholar.

Google Scholar

Many of the articles only provide abstracts (summaries) of articles, not the full-text (or a significant charge is required for the full article). You can retrieve the full-text of most of these articles by using the Skyline College Library .

To search for multiple concepts, use ORs between words for the same concept, quotes around phrases, parentheses around each concept, and ANDs between concepts

Internet Images Search Engines

NYTimes Access

With Group Passes provided by Skyline College Library, you have full access to the extensive news, multimedia and archives of The New York Times without needing your own subscription.·


•             White physically on campus within your school's network, visit

•             Click on REGISTER and create a account using your school email address. Or log in to your existing account

•             You're done! After your pass has been activated, you can enjoy access to from any network or location

•             To view the expiration date of your pass, revisit To activate a new pass, visit grouppass while on campus within your school's network





A Group Pass must be activated while physically within your school's network; it cannot be activated off campus via a proxy server. To continue using with full access, you must be logged in to your account which  is associated with your Group Pass registration.


Visit grouppass and look under "Learn more about Group Passes"

*To activate a Group Pass, you  must be an eligible student, faculty or staff member at  a school that is providing Group Passes. Does not include e-reader editions . premium Crosswords or the New York Times Crosswords apps. Mobile apps are not supported on all devices. Pass users receive unlimited access to archived articles outside the date range 1923-1980: articles within that date range are subject to limited access. Other restrictions may apply.