Here are six "classic" texts that spearheaded the environmental movement in the U.S. You'll find links to these books in print and or/e-book format(s).
This e-book presents six important essays by some of the world's leading environmental thinkers about emblematic books written on the environment.
"The books - Walden; A Sand County Almanac; Small is Beautiful; Silent Spring; The Limits to Growth; and Our Common Future - taken together have been hugely important in the development of global environmental awareness, activism and policy... Find all six books for check out or download here.
The essayists - Viriato Soromenho-Marques, J. Baird Callicott, José Lima Santos, Tim O'Riordan, Satish Kumar and Marina Silva - invite readers to reflect on these ground-breaking works and examine their historical importance, as well as what they should mean to us today and what relevance they will have to future generations." - The publisher.
Print copy: To borrow, click on Available and login to Use our Curbside Pickup Service.
E-Book: To read online or download, click on the red book title below. Next, login as you would to Canvas or SMCCD email.
Related E-books available from Skyline College Library:
Print copy: To borrow, click on Available and login to Use our Curbside Pickup Service.
Our Common Future: The World Commission on Environment and Development was published by Oxford University Press in 1987. It is available for free through Open Library.
Print copy: To borrow, click on Available and login to Use our Curbside Pickup Service.
E-Book: To read online or download, click on the red book title below. Next, login as you would to Canvas or SMCCD email.
Related E-books available from Skyline College Library:
Print copy: To borrow, click on Available and login to Use our Curbside Pickup Service.
E-Book: To read online or download, click on the red book title below. Next, login as you would to Canvas or SMCCD email.
Related E-books available from Skyline College Library:
The Limits to Growth is available for free from The Donella Meadows Project: Academy for Systems Change
"The Limits to Growth, originally published in 1972, was a groundbreaking study that modeled the dynamics of our human presence on the planet. The team behind it, led by Dennis Meadows, found that continuing with a “business as usual” growth model would likely lead to environmental and economic collapse within a century. At the time, their discoveries sparked huge controversy among scientists, scholars, and the general public. In the decades since, those discoveries have been supported by patterns of growth, environmental health, and resource use." - book cover.
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