On this page, you'll find some additional sources for selecting and researching your topic.
Environmental issues topics are found throughout the Library. Use the subjects/call numbers below to browse the shelves for something that interests you:
Environmental Sciences:
GE146 Environmental disasters
GE149 Global environmental change
GE195-199 Environmentalism
GE300-350 Environmental management
Economic History and Conditions:
HC79 Environmental economics
HM856-861 Social ecology
HV6401-6405 Offenses against the environment
JA75.8 Green Movement
Biology, Geology, Health
QE38 Environmental geology
QH1-199.5 Natural history, including conservation biology
QH540-549.5 Ecology
RA565-600 Environmental health
Law, Technology:
K3581-3598 Environmental law
TA170-171 Environmental engineering
TD169-171 Environmental protection
TD172-193 Environmental pollution
CQ Researcher database provides lists of topics that link directly to articles that may be just right for your research project.
Begin browsing the category Environment, Climate and Natural Resources.
Next, pick a subtopic that interests you to find specific articles. Don't forget the References at the end of each article.
Ask a Librarian if you'd like help locating them.
"Vast Oil Reserve May Now Be Within Reach, and Battle Heats Up," New York Times, February 3, 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/04/us/vast-oil-reserve-may-now-be-within-reach-and-battle-heats-up.html?pagewanted=all
"Fracking Our Food Supply," The Nation, November 28, 2012: http://www.thenation.com/article/171504/fracking-our-food-supply#axzz2WmFXyJPL
"The Fracturing of Pennsylvania," New York Times Magazine, November 17, 2011: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/20/magazine/fracking-amwell-township.html?pagewanted=all
"This is Your Town on Fracking," OnEarth, June 13, 2013: http://www.onearth.org/blog/this-is-your-town-on-fracking-williston-north-dakota
"Fracking presents new strains on water supplies in some drought-stricken areas of the US," Associated Press, June 16, 2013: "http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/fracking-presents-new-strains-on-water-supplies-in-some-drought-stricken-areas-of-the-us/2013/06/16/421299cc-d68a-11e2-ab72-3f0d51ec1628_story.html"
"Fracking Tests Ties Between California ‘Oil and Ag’ Interests," New York Times, June 1, 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/us/california-oil-and-ag-face-rift-on-fracking.html?pagewanted=all
Example: The following are cited as "priority issues" by the National Resource Defense Council (NRCD), an American environmental advocacy organization: