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Environmental Issues: ENGL & ESOL: Research Topics


On this page, you'll find some additional sources for selecting and researching your topic.

Search Tips: Subjects related to Environmental Issues

Environmental issues topics are found throughout the Library. Use the subjects/call numbers below to browse the shelves for something that interests you:

 Environmental Sciences:

GE146 Environmental disasters

GE149 Global environmental change

GE195-199 Environmentalism

GE300-350 Environmental management

Economic History and Conditions: 

HC79 Environmental economics

HM856-861 Social ecology

HV6401-6405 Offenses against the environment

JA75.8 Green Movement

Biology, Geology, Health

QE38 Environmental geology

QH1-199.5 Natural history, including conservation biology

QH540-549.5 Ecology

RA565-600 Environmental health

Law, Technology:

K3581-3598 Environmental law

TA170-171 Environmental engineering

TD169-171 Environmental protection

TD172-193 Environmental pollution

Browsing for Topics in Sustainability

CQ Researcher database provides lists of topics that link directly to articles that may be just right for your research project. 

Begin browsing the category Environment, Climate and Natural Resources.

Next, pick a subtopic that interests you to find specific articles. Don't forget the References at the end of each article.

Ask a Librarian if you'd like help locating them.

Sample Topic: Fracking

"Vast Oil Reserve May Now Be Within Reach, and Battle Heats Up," New York Times, February 3, 2013:

"Fracking Our Food Supply," The Nation, November 28, 2012:

"The Fracturing of Pennsylvania," New York Times Magazine, November 17, 2011:

"This is Your Town on Fracking," OnEarth, June 13, 2013:

"Fracking presents new strains on water supplies in some drought-stricken areas of the US," Associated Press, June 16, 2013: ""

"Fracking Tests Ties Between California ‘Oil and Ag’ Interests," New York Times, June 1, 2013:

Sample Environmental Issues

Example: The following are cited as "priority issues" by the National Resource Defense Council (NRCD), an American environmental advocacy organization:

Curbing Global Warming: Climate change is the single biggest environmental and humanitarian crisis of our time. We must act now to spur the adoption of cleaner energy sources at home and abroad.
Creating the Clean Energy Future: America's dependence on fossil fuels threatens our national security and is a major contributor to global warming and toxic air pollution. By investing in renewable energy sources such as the sun, wind and biomass, we can help solve the energy and climate crises.
Reviving the World's Oceans: The world's oceans are on the brink of ecological collapse. We can restore marine vitality by ending overfishing, creating marine protected areas and improving the way we govern our oceans.
Defending Endangered Wildlife and Wild Places: The destruction of our last remaining wildlands means the loss of vast troves of biological diversity, critical regulators of global climate, and irreplaceable sanctuaries.
Protecting Our Health By Preventing Pollution: We must reduce or eliminate the dangerous chemicals in the products we buy, the food we eat and the air we breathe.
Ensuring Safe and Sufficient Water: As we enter the 21st century, swelling demand and changing climate patterns are draining rivers and aquifers as pollution threatens the quality of what remains.
Fostering Sustainable Communities: The choices we make for where and how we live have enormous impacts on our well-being, economy, and natural environment. NRDC develops and advocates sustainable solutions for our communities.

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