Here are six "classic" texts that spearheaded the environmental movement in the U.S. You'll find links to these books in print and or/e-book format(s).
This e-book presents six important essays by some of the world's leading environmental thinkers about emblematic books written on the environment.
"The books - Walden; A Sand County Almanac; Small is Beautiful; Silent Spring; The Limits to Growth; and Our Common Future - taken together have been hugely important in the development of global environmental awareness, activism and policy... Find all six books for check out or download here.
The essayists - Viriato Soromenho-Marques, J. Baird Callicott, José Lima Santos, Tim O'Riordan, Satish Kumar and Marina Silva - invite readers to reflect on these ground-breaking works and examine their historical importance, as well as what they should mean to us today and what relevance they will have to future generations." - The publisher.