Google News aggregates headlines from news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together and displays them according to each reader's personalized interests.
When doing a search in Google News, notice:
"Sections" on the left side of the page. These are similar to different sections you would see in a print newspaper. For example, if you are interested in the economics of dementia, you might limit your search to the Business section. Note that there are more sections than appear by default. Click "add a section" in the upper right corner for more choices.
Results Display. Google uses a complex formula to identify the order of the results. You should not assume the most recent results are at the top of the list -- they are more likely to be the most "popular."
Similar Articles. If you find an interesting article and want to see more like it, click the double "up arrow" icon next to the story to get related articles.
To search Google News click here:
Text adopted from UC San Diego Library
What we love about Google Scholar: Who DOESN'T love Google: powerful, fast, and bountiful!
What drives us crazy about Google Scholar: Many of the articles in Google Scholar are not full-text unless you pay money. Hint: We have found that citations with a "PDF" on the right side of the screen usually are full-text.
Not able to find the full-text for free? E-mail the citation (the basic information) to me, and we will try to track down the article. Never pay for an article! If we can't get it for free, we might be able to pay for it, but you should never pay for an article!