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OER Faculty Guide: Finding & Using OER

Introduction: Zero Textbooks Cost (ZTC)

On this page you'll find answers and links to questions about Skyline's Zero Cost Resources (ZTC) Program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Terminology: OER vs. ZTC: What's the Difference

Establishing your course as "ZTC": What's the process? 

Which library materials are available for ZTC courses?

Which Skyline courses have been designated ZTC & LTC?

Are you teaching a ZTC Course/Section?

Every semester, please notify the ZTC Team and Skyline Bookstore of all courses/section numbers that are zero-textbook cost by completing the NoviSurvey Course Material Adoption form.

In short, a free digital copy of the learning resources will be provided to all students in Zero Textbook Cost sections.

The State has established parameters for what constitutes “zero-textbook-cost” through S.B. 1359:

  • ZTC courses exclusively use digital course materials that are free of charge to students and may have a low-cost option for print versions.
  • Course materials...may include open educational resources, institutionally licensed campus library materials that all students enrolled in the course have access to use, and other properly licensed and adopted materials.

(Note: for course readers and online materials, faculty are responsible for adhering to Skyline College Copyright and SMCCD Accessibility requirements)

Other considerations:

  • If students need to pay fees to access a software platform to do coursework or homework, this counts as a cost.  The course section would NOT qualify.

All course materials used must comply with copyright law and with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Please contact the ZTC Team if you are unsure if a section should be considered for inclusion as “no-cost” in the schedule of classes, or if you have any other questions.


Content included in the OER Faculty Guide by Skyline Library is licensed CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise indicated.