To locate a copy of From Mission to Microchip, use OneSearch to place your Hold Request through the Canada College Library catalog. Contact the Library if you'd like help or email Jessica Silver-Sharp, librarian:
The AFT union office has two print copies of the book available for borrowing: please contact Jessica for a copy.
Copies of the book/e-book are also available from the Peninsula Library System or a Library near you.
The Library owns both print and e-book editions.
Dear SMCCD Community,
You're invited to join a virtual Summer 2022 Book Club reading Fred Glass's award winning labor history, From Mission to Microchip: A History of the California Labor Movement, University of California Press (2016).
The next meeting takes place virtually on Tuesday June 28 at 10:00am. Please email Jessica Silver-Sharp for the zoom link: We will be discussing Part III: "From Pride of Craft to Industrial Unionism" (p. 131-210).
Professor Glass is an instructor in City College of San Francisco's Labor Studies program and formerly was Communications Director of the CFT. He served at AFT1493's Executive Secretary and also authored A History of the California Federation of Teachers, 1919-1989.
The Book Club is facilitated by Evan Kaiser, ESL Professor at the College of San Mateo and AFT1493 representative.