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APA Citation Style: Tests

APA Citation Format (Commonly used for psychology and other social science papers)

How to Cite a Psychological Test in APA Style

Examples below by Timothy McAdoo, Documentation and Training Specialist, APA PsycINFO, in his blog post How to Cite a Psychological Test in APA Style.

Citing an online test retrieved directly from a website

Purring, A. (2012). Charisma and Tenacity Survey [Measurement instrument]. Retrieved from

Citing a database record of a test

Barks, H., & Howls, I. (2013).Directions of Generosity [Database record]. Retrieved from The McAdoo Database of Fictional Titles.

Citing a test that is not online

Purring, A. (2012). Charisma and Tenacity Survey [Measurement instrument]. Petland, MD: E & K Press.